
The Cinnamon Roll Experiment Pt. 2

I know you are all hanging by a thread... waiting... anxiously waiting.... the results of our Cinnamon Roll Hypothesis... Well... here's the results...


After a night of yeasty feasting, our dough was ready to rolled out and rolled up...

The most challenging part was the actual baking, as we do not have an oven... Just a toaster oven, and a toaster oven/microwave... We tried one pan in each... I'd say the one we did in the conventional toaster oven worked better, as the microwave/oven only cooked from the top... We had to flip the rolls!

Other than that, some other observations:

Brown sugar in Japan in basically white sugar that is slightly brown in color...

Frosting tastes good...

I think it was a success... We each had four for breakfast! They were good...

Here's a gallery of more pics...



Anonymous said...

Those pictures were so good I was thinking of using them in my cinnamon roll unit but then there was the beer....

Willard Facts said...

You can Photoshop that out... or put a sticker over it!