When looking at this picture, the layman would assume that I am referencing the movie The Karate Kid... You might take a glance at the picture and think that I'm doing my best Daniel-san impression...
But! Oh ho ho how wrong you would be... Although I am wearing a Japanese style headband, and although I am punching in a very karate-y type-y way, you couldn't be more wrong...
The thought that was going through my head at the time was very far from Japan... The Karate Kid, while a great movie, is clearly not nerdy or esoteric enough for me... I was obviously doing a much more indecipherable impression (or homage if you will... and I will...)...
Clearly, I was referencing episode #404 of Mystery Science Theater 3000, "Teenagers from Outer Space"... A classic episode if I do say so myself (and I will...)...
During the episode, the host, Joel Robinson (aptly played by Joel Hodgson) models a jumpsuit lined with Gaffer tape... During the slideshow of poses, narrated by Tom Servo, Joel strikes the pose below, and inspired me to emulate him some 12 years later while I was in Japan...

I hope you now all fully understand the extent of my nerdiness... Thank you and goodnight...
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