
iPhone Recording Quality

Recently, I and my wife, Emma Linn, came into the possession of 2 iPhone 3Gs... I cannot remember exactly how we stumbled upon these devices, but somewhere in our various travels in and about town, we found ourselves with these two new telephonic devices...

Since the internet is chock full of information about the iPhone as a device, I shall not bore you (to tears possibly) with the details of the device itself, nor any of the standard software that comes included therein...

One noteworthy note of note, however, would be an application (or "app", as the kids call it these days) aptly named "Recorder"... It's 99¢... It does what it says... S'got a huge red "Record" button, you press it, it records... Done...

But! If you're at home (or when you get home) and your iPhone connects to the wireless network, you can then sync the recording to your computer wirelessly over the network... Bang!

Also, the recording quality (if you turn on the high quality setting) with just the built in iPhone mic is outstanding... If you don't believe me, check out my solo acoustic version of "Soldier of Love" on the player to the right. That's only the iPhone mic, a quick copy to Garageband to stereo-ize it and an export to iTunes... Sounds good!

1 comment:

Glenn said...


Let me suggest another app made by the same company that made Recorder. It's called Four Track. It does what it says and it does it pretty well, actually.
