Keip/Sherb Visit Day 6!
We chilled for a bit in the morning, then walked around Akashi for a bit, heading down to the sea walls and looking towards Awaji Island and the Akashi Bridge... Saw the good ol' Tako Ferry... Good times!
Then we walked through the Akashi fish market, and then headed to Kobe for the evening... We had dinner (not really together per se, as our food was all brought out at different times) and then walked to see the Luminarie, which is a huge outdoor light display, kinda for Christmas, but much more-so for a memorial to the victims of the Kobe earthquake...
Then we headed back to Akashi and relaxed... It was the Keiper's and Sherbie's last night in Japan, so we just chilled and chatted...
Check out the pics from Day Six here!
p.s. There are no pics from Day Seven, as all it entailed was getting up and escorting our guests to the airport bus... Which, while emotionally riveting, does not provide a very compelling photographic experience... So... yeah.... These are the last of the pics from the Keiper/Sherburne visit... Enjoy!
Keip/Sherb Visit Day 5!
Day Five was an eventful one as well... In the morning, I went to my English Cafe job that I do on Thursdays, and the rest of the folks joined me later for a little bit... I'm guessing it was pretty interesting for the Keipers and Sherburnes to interact with some Japanese people who speak English... I finished up the cafe while the rest of them went to Himeji Castle... I've seen it a couple times, so I was fine not seeing it again... After they got back we all got geared up for a night of Yakiniku!!!
The restaurant we went to, Gyu-Kaku, is quite possibly the greatest restaurant ever... 4200 Yen ($37) for all you can eat meat (various cuts of beef, and, of course, scallops for Emma) and all you can drink beer, sake, or cocktails for 2 hours... Good times!
As the pictures can attest to, the night was a blast... We topped it off with a round of bowling... Fun fun fun!
Check out the pics here!
Keip/Sherb Visit Day 4!
Day Four was a very eventful day... It was the most walkingest of all the days with us hiking all day...
We started out at Joe and Tiff's, but packed up our stuff as we were going to ahead to Akashi that evening... We went to Kyoto Station, dropped off our luggage, looked around, then hopped the train to Nara, where we spent most of the day... Nara is famous for it's ridiculously tame deer who greatly enjoy being fed small round crackers made of what I assume is ground up Chinese newspapers...
Also, Nara is famous for Todai-ji, which is a big temple and purportedly the largest wooden building in the world... It also houses a gigantic Buddha statue and a fun squeezin' hole...
We also walked around to some other shrines, some of which were more notable than others...
And after the long day of walkin' we took the train to Akashi, and ate dinner at Oh-Sho (which was so delicious we forgot to take pictures), and then headed to our apartment...
Check out the pics from Day Four here!
Keip/Sherb Visit Day 2 and 3!
Well, if you look closely at the end of the pictures from Day One, it should become clear that Day Two was spent in the midst of a large hangover...
There are all of 13 pictures from Day Two, and 23% of them were taken in massage chairs...
Day Two consisted of us sleeping in until 1 or so, recovering from Day One, walking around Omihachiman, having dinner, and going to a large electronics store... Good times!
Day Three saw us off to Kyoto. We went to Fushimi Inari (Big Place With a Lot of Orange Gates (tm) ), Kiyomizu-Dera (Big Shrine That is Built on a Cliff and Surrounded by Beautiful Foliage (tm) ), and "Japanese Covered Shopping Area #218409.23"... The autumn leaves were a'changin', even in December, which was nice... The guys even had Shakey's Pizza for dinner... Which apparently is a more common Asian dinner than American dinner...
All in all Days Two and Three were good... But oh, the best is yet to come!
Check out the photographic evidence here!
Keip/Sherb Visit Day 1!
They flew from Minneapolis to Tokyo on Nov. 28th (Wednesday) and stayed in Tokyo for a couple days before catching a Shinkansen down to Maibara to meet Emma, Joe, Tiff, and I. From there we stayed in Omihachiman at Joe and Tiff's apartment.
Since we have a ton of pictures that include duplicates from multiple cameras that need to be gone through and organized, I'm going to post one day at a time... So.... Without further ado, Day One:
The highlights of the first day of the Keipers' and Sherburnes' stay in Japan, or Day One as it will henceforth be known, included many highlights. Among the highlights was seeing our friends from Minnesota for the first time in a while... But more specifically, Day One included us getting settled in Omihachiman, having sushi at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, buying a ridiculous amount and variety of beers, drinking some of them, proceeding to an izakaya for more beer and food, going back to the apartment for more beer, and topping the night off with a spirited round of karaoke until about 3 a.m...
Good times!
I can sit here and try and tell you about all the events of the day, but they are best conveyed by an image created by light falling on a light-sensitive surface, usually photographic film or an electronic imager such as a CCD or a CMOS chip. In another, possibly more simple word, pictures!
Check out the pics from Day One here!
New Song!
Yes, I got a new guitar... "What? You have no job... Why are you buying a guitar? You are so selfish! Emma should kick your butt!"
Save it Critical McGee... The guitar was free and is of questionable quality...
Anyways, I took a couple minutes and recorded this song...
For the past 3 or 4 weeks I have (had) been growing a beard... As an unemployed male, it is a very common thing to do... Exhibit A.
But all good things must come to an end, especially if your wife is hesitant to kiss you because of them.
So, I shaved my beard... But not with out taking a lot of pictures along the way...
Enjoy them here!
We had all the favorite fixins as we would back home... Mashed potatoes and gravy! Stove Top stuffing! Corn with ten pounds of butter and cheese added! Dinner rolls!
We substituted chicken for turkey, but it was barely noticeable, especially when there's Stove Top stuffing to eat! Yum!
After Thanksgiving dinner we drank some beers and played Catch Phrase... Good times had by all!!
We have a few pics from Thanksgiving here *AND* here. Check 'em out!
My Nerdiness...

When looking at this picture, the layman would assume that I am referencing the movie The Karate Kid... You might take a glance at the picture and think that I'm doing my best Daniel-san impression...
But! Oh ho ho how wrong you would be... Although I am wearing a Japanese style headband, and although I am punching in a very karate-y type-y way, you couldn't be more wrong...
The thought that was going through my head at the time was very far from Japan... The Karate Kid, while a great movie, is clearly not nerdy or esoteric enough for me... I was obviously doing a much more indecipherable impression (or homage if you will... and I will...)...
Clearly, I was referencing episode #404 of Mystery Science Theater 3000, "Teenagers from Outer Space"... A classic episode if I do say so myself (and I will...)...
During the episode, the host, Joel Robinson (aptly played by Joel Hodgson) models a jumpsuit lined with Gaffer tape... During the slideshow of poses, narrated by Tom Servo, Joel strikes the pose below, and inspired me to emulate him some 12 years later while I was in Japan...

I hope you now all fully understand the extent of my nerdiness... Thank you and goodnight...
Our Situation...
We had heard rumors that NOVA was in trouble, but unfortunately did not get any concrete information from upper management. The CEO continued to send faxes to our school saying he was sorry for the delay in pay, but that things would be OK. We found out that Nova filed for bankruptcy on one of our days off so we had our last day of work without knowing it.
This is sad because it leaves things feeling unfinished. We didn’t get to say goodbye to our students, and feel especially bad we did not get to say goodbye to our kids classes that we adored.
What is ironic is that the reason we chose to work for NOVA out of all the other English Language schools is because we thought it was the most reliable. It was the largest in Japan with over 300,000 students, and (at the time) had a great reputation. We learned a lot in our time there and met amazing people. We will miss seeing our students and staff every day!
DON’T FREAK OUT! We’re doing okay. We are staying in our apartment (which is a NOVA apartment) for as long as possible, as we haven’t had to pay rent on it. We’ve been job hunting in our area and in Kyoto, but it’s a bit difficult as there are about 4000 other ex-NOVA teachers looking for jobs at the same time. We’ve got a few part time jobs here and there to make some cash, but nothing full time so far. Cross your fingers for us that we will be able to find other jobs so we will be able to stay in Japan for the year that we planned!
We are healthy, in good spirits, and relaxing. If nothing else, our biggest problem is boredom. So don’t go crazy with worry about us, just keep us in your thoughts!
Here are links to some articles about our situation. It’s too complex to write and explain here, and it gets tiring to keep typing it in emails.
Wall Street Journal
Japan Times Q and A

Last night Emma and I went bowling with fellow Nova people... It was the first time we've been bowling in Japan... And, like most things that are boring in America, it was more fun in Japan... Why? Here are a few reasons (besides the obvious Hello Kitty bowling balls):
1. BYOB - That's right, buy beers at the convenience store for cheap, bring them in, drink them, and the staff watches you and smiles... You can bring outside booze to everything in Japan... Awesome and cost effective!
2. Bingo! - Each team got a tic/tac/toe sheet with different pin combinations on it (just the numbers, not the names (i.e. Alabama Haystack and Eckberg Special). If you connected 3 in a row, you won snacks! And the combinations were not difficult ones. Knock down 3 pins on your first ball, and 2 on your second? YOU WIN! What kind of snacks, you ask? Takoyaki flavored corn tubes... Horrible? No... Everything tastes good when you win it.
3. Automatic Shoe dispensers - We should have gotten a video of this... A big vending machine that gives you your shoes...
4. No 50 yr. old guys with huge cigars bowling while playing poker with Hustler playing cards...
All in all a fun night! Check out the pics here!
Akashi Park Party!
There was a good turn out, and lots of fun had by all!
Today, however, I am pretty sore from all the football throwing... My arm feels like Jello...
Check out the pics here!
Leopard Launch in Osaka!

Emma and went to the Leopard release event at the Shinsaibashi Apple Store in Osaka on Friday. It was a great time, and we got to play around with the new OS for a bit, although the computers were all in Japanese... I made this short iMovie of the event... Enjoy!
Actual Exchange from a Lesson Today
Student: In the morning?
Me: Yes. Right after you wake up, what's the first thing you do?
Student: I... I wash my tooth...
Me: *Uncontrollable Giggling*
International Beer Festival!!
It was held at the Umeda Sky Building, which, if you don't know, kinda looks like a big letter "A" or an alien spaceship from Galaga...
Anywhooo, they had a ton of different beers there to try... Most were 500-700 yen ($4.26 - $5.96) for a 500 ml (16.9 oz.) bottle... They had beers from a lot of different countries, but mostly Germany and England...
We were pumped to have some Oktoberfest beers, and a Hefe-weizen or two, as they are greatly missing from Japanese liquor shops...
They had a lot of entertainment during the festival, especially at night... A martial arts "play" where 4 people pretended to kick the crap out of each other samurai-style... Some R & B singers, a Greek (?) Guy playing some Greek guitary-typey thing (?) that sounded like an open tuned guitar but looked like a big ladle... Two scantily clad belly dancers... A flamenco dancer who look like she was super pissed (Always stomping a lot! Why are you so angry lady?)...
Good times had by all! We took a lot of pics, which are here... Check 'em out!
Apple Store!
Tarumi Autumn Festival...
It started with us seeing two groups of men lifting up two ridiculously heavy portable shrines... Then we proceeded to the permanent shrine where there were a lot of food and game booths set up...
I got some Okonomiyaki, Emma got a Crepe, we both got some beers... Yep, beer at a religious shrine! How great is that?
I wish they'd have beer at the church festivals in Iowa... Shotgunning a beer in the confessional always makes me feel like an alcoholic...
It also made for some great people-watching... Japanese teenagers at a festival acting amazingly similar to American teenagers at a state fair...
All in all a good day and night!
Check out the pics here!
Akashi Bridge!
This is as close as you are going to get to "Bridge Porn"...
Check it out!
Conduction Heated Unfertilized Chicken Embryos
"Buh-Whaaaa?" you say, scratching your head in disbelief...
Yes, they have Costcos in Japan... 6 I think... There's one in Amagasaki (basically a suburb of Osaka)... And yes, they are like Costcos back home... A billions pounds of something bought all at the same time... Can't just buy one of something...
We went because they have some good deals on western foods, and have some western foods you can't get anywhere else!
We picked up 4 bags of tortilla chips (2 huge ones, and 2 "Hint of Lime"), a big jug of salsa, a football (not for eating), 2 packs of Johnsonville Brats (Bang!), a huge block of sharp cheddar cheese (yum!), and some sour cream....
Sour cream must be a delicacy over here because it's about $7 for a regular $1.29 32 oz. container...
All in all it was a good haul...
Brookebergs Visit!
The 3 guys went to Himeji whilst Emma and Tiff chilled at our apartment in Akashi and (I can only assume) had tickle fights and tried on underwear for each other...
Then at night we all met up in Kobe for dinner and walking around! We ate at the Harborland Cafe.. I had a "Sasebo Jumbo Burger". It was huge and awesome! Burger, cheese, bacon, egg, lettuce, tomato, mayo... Good stuff!
I didn't have the camera with me in Himeji, but here are some pics from Kobe!
As soon as Eckberg posts the Himeji Castle pics, I'll link up to it... He'd better hurry up!! *shakes fist*
"Baseball..." "F--- Yeah!"
We watched the (Kobe) Orix Buffaloes play the (say it with me) Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles... Just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Makes for good cheers...
The game was a great time! We all met at about 1:30 to have lunch and some beers, then rode the train to the ballpark... We got tickets for only 1500 yen ($12.96) and with some smuggled in tall boys (or "silos" if you're from Iowa (or "big cans of beer" if you're Sherbie)), we were set for a wonderful night!
The weather was awesome! FINALLY not humid and not hot... Good stuff!
Got a hot dog at the concession stand, it was smaller and more efficient then an American hot dog, but still really good... Not as spicy, but still had plenty of 'chup, 'tard, onions, and relish on it... Good stuff!
The pictures are here, and let me say they are awesome! Enjoy!
So I was delighted today to have the chance to play some catch with a couple other NOVA teachers... There were supposed to be 6 or so, but only 3 of us showed up, so we played catch for a bit (which is a treat in itself, finding a football to buy or play catch in Japan with is like finding gold in the Boone River...) and then took turns QBin' and doing some one-on-one pass patterns...
Three things I learned...
1. Losing weight doesn't equate with being in shape...
2. Many parks in Japan are all gravel and dust...
3. Gripping, catching, and throwing a football that is covered in dust is difficult...
It was fun, but I look forward to trying to organize some more people playing so we can have an actual game... And maybe trying to find a place that is grass...
Huge Package!

So yesterday there was a note from the post office that we had gotten a package! We didn't get it until after the post office closed, so we had to wait until today... Emma went and picked it up today... Good Lord was it huge!
It was sent by Stacy and Kendrick, and contained many delicious and awesome things...
I will entice you to click here for the pictures of the package by giving you this preview...
Yakisoba is basically fried noodles... with meat... and cabbage.... and sauce.... and delicious...
So we bought some noodles, and some chicken, and some bacon, and some cabbage, and some yakisoba sauce.... and then we conveniently already had a metal pan and a metal grate through which compressed natural gas is pumped through and ignited and controlled through the combination of air...
So we combined all of the aforementioned ingredients (using the metal pan to contain everything, rather than trying to put the pan into the chicken... my dyslexic friend always does that! Whaa-waa!)
It turned out pretty damn good! Twice! Good stuff! Check out the pics!
I think next we will try to tackle okonomiyaki....
New furniture!
New couch, new coffee table, and some new shelves and lamps!
Only paid for the coffee table, everything else was free! BANG!
What is yakiniku, you ask? Well, it's basically the greatest thing ever... Imagine a mini-grill in front of you, and unlimited amounts of small cuts of steak to place upon that grill... And all the while you are drinking as much beer as you want...
You have just imagined the greatest dinner experience ever...
If that doesn't sound like the greatest dinner experience ever, please stop reading my blog as we should not be friends anymore...
For the low, low price of 4,200 yen ($37.048 U.S. as of 9:00pm on 9/7/07 (according to my conversion widget)) we had all-you-can-eat meat and all-you-can-drink beer...
Holy lord did I eat a lot of beef... So much... Lungs and sinuses stuffed with beef... And it was good beef too! Not Kobe beef, but pretty damn good... and ridiculously fresh as you grill it in front of you!
And they had two different kinds of sauces for dippin'... And they give you a garlic paste and a hot sauce paste to mix into the sauce if you like...
We also had a ton of fresh scallops... I don't like them as much as Emma, but they were still good... There are pics here...
We will definitely be going again! So good! We give props to Toshi (our Japanese friend) for inviting us and helping us order!
Mac to the Muthagrabbin' MINI!!!
We could not have been more excited...
The doorbell heralded the arrival of our new (old) Mac Mini! Sweet!
It's a G4, 1.25 gHz with 512 RAM and a 40 GB HDD plus Airport (Wireless) Card and Bluetooth... For all you nerds out there...
The Mini (which I have dubbed "NanoMac") is out new Media Center/Entertainment device...
With the addition of a 500 GB external FW hard drive, some free software, (VLC Player, Nestopia, Emulator Enhancer and Transmission) a massive number of Nintendo ROMs I acquired from Eckberg, and a USB controller, we can watch all the English TV and Movies we can download, and I can play just about every Nintendo game ever released... BANG!
So here's some pics of it all set up...
Very excited...
A very special thanks to Emma's parents for picking up the Mini in Northfield and shipping it to us! It is awesome!
Package Pics!
So here's some pics of a package I got from my buddy Jake... He came through with a massive amount of salsa!
We have been enjoying the salsa a lot! And we've got some avocados that are awaiting ripening to use with the guacamole mix!
Back from Omihachiman!
It has been 90+ degrees for the past month...
I am not lying, exaggerating, or using the fabled hyperbole...
But, when we plan to go to a beach, what happens...?
It muthagrabbin' rains for two goshdarn days in a really row!
But it turned out OK... We chilled, drank beer, watched TV and movies... All in all a very enjoyable time!
We also decided to favor burgers, corn on the cob (or should that be corn?), and french fried potatoes... They were delectable... And I am not being sarcastic... I ate so much!
So we missed out on tikka, but something we did NOT miss out on was the yakiniku... Basically you buy raw meat (beef, chicken, pork) and then grill it on a grill in the middle of your table... Good stuff... We ordered some beef and pork... And, by accident, we also ordered (and ate, mind you).... wait for it...
Cow intestine!
It looked like chicken on the menu... Whoops! When we cooked it, it was clear that it wasn't chicken... It wasn't too bad actually... Basically some beef fat connected to some chewy bits... :P
Anyways, all in a very enjoyable weekend! Joe and Tiff were excellent hosts! Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures! We were having too much fun relaxing and eating offal!
Heading to Omihachiman!
Yes, I speak of the same Joseph and Tiffany of www.jtjapan.com...
Emma and I are headed there at about 9:30pm Akashi time... Emma will be on the train back from work, and I will meet her at the Akashi station with our luggage, and we will continue on to Joe and Tiff's... I believe the train ride is just under 2 hours... I might nod off a bit...
We plan to beach the beach, tikka the tikka, and beer the beer... Good time will abound!
Vote on the Poll!
It's a silly one, but it's an experiment to see how much interest there is in polls...
If there is a lot, I might start making more interesting ones...
Ones where you vote what you want me to do or say in Japan...
Someone is a Movie Star!
Check her out on the NOVA website! She is kicking the ass of the idea that buying groceries in Japan is difficult!
Check out the movie!
The Cinnamon Roll Experiment Pt. 2

After a night of yeasty feasting, our dough was ready to rolled out and rolled up...
The most challenging part was the actual baking, as we do not have an oven... Just a toaster oven, and a toaster oven/microwave... We tried one pan in each... I'd say the one we did in the conventional toaster oven worked better, as the microwave/oven only cooked from the top... We had to flip the rolls!
Other than that, some other observations:
Brown sugar in Japan in basically white sugar that is slightly brown in color...
Frosting tastes good...
I think it was a success... We each had four for breakfast! They were good...
Here's a gallery of more pics...
The Cinnamon Roll Experiment Pt. 1
The other day Emma and I were watching an episode of Good Eats (with Alton Brown) in which Alton was making cinnamon rolls...
That made us extremely hungry for cinnamon rolls...
So today we went to the local "SATY" (big dept. store with a grocery store in it) in Okubo (local town two stops to the west) and bought the ingredients to make Cinnamon Rolls.... Got a recipe off of allrecipes.com, and we've made the dough... Right now we're letting it rise, and will make the rolls in the morning...
I will have pictures and results tomorrow... Stay tuned!
Two Packages in One Day!
My New Favorite Room...
No... Not the kitchen...
No... Not the toilet room...
No... Not even the 105 degree second bedroom that we seal off and never go into...
My new favorite room? The Shower...
When I get home from work, where's the first place I go? That's right, the shower...
Only cold water turned on + me + 10 minutes of spraying the back of my neck = A very good feeling...
I shower at least twice a day, usually more... Every shower is only the cold water turned on...
I suggest you all take moment and consider the humble "Shower"... You'll be glad you did...
Mount Rokko!
Rokko is a mountain near Kobe...
Last night Emma and I were taken to the summit lookout by our Japanese friend Toshi...
We met Toshi last week, he knows a lot of the NOVA people we work with. He invited us to cruise to Mt. Rokko with him...
So not only was it our first trip to Mt. Rokko, it was our first trip anywhere in a car in Japan...
Toshi has two cars, but last night drove in his van-like car... The car looks so small from the outside, but when you get in there's a ridiculous amount of room! Like crazy stretch-out-your-legs-in-the-front-and-back-seat room...
After a crazily wind-y (not a lot of wind, whynding... is it spelled the same? Weird...) route up the mountain (with an increasingly car-sick Emma) we got to the lookout...
It was extremely interesting to look from a great altitude upon the city of Kobe...
I took some night snapshots... They are located here. Enjoy!
Don't be Afraid to Comment!
After each blog entry, there is a spot that says:
"These Became Willard Facts at (Time) - 0 Comments...."
Zero is a pretty low number.... I can't think of any lower ones... Maybe Zero point Zero...
So click on the comment after a blog entry, lemme know what you think...
(Already realizes Sherbie's first comment will be "You suck")
So let's go!
..................................... Right Here
New Furniture!
We now have a place to put things that we want to have on top of other things...
Check out the pics here!
1st Package!

And the winner is...
The lovely Ms. Bethaney Tschida! :)
Her prize? A call from Emma and I... A prize that, I think, is priceless...
We even took pictures! They can be found here.
We, of course, instantly made Mac and Cheese for dinner tonight... IT WAS GLORIOUS!!

I even took pictures... They can also be found here.
Yum yum yum yum yum yum!
And, I have to admit... I've already eaten 3 Kit-Kats... :)
Who Cut the Cheese?
Alrighty folks... Thanks to an overwhelming response, we are set for powdered cheese for a while... So you can cross that off the Wish List... But now you can add:
Any... A big jar of the cheapest most generic-y stuff you can find... The peanut butter over here comes in 5 oz. jars for 3 bucks and tastes a little off...
Thanks for all those sending packages! We'll take pictures of them when they arrive so you can see the smiles they put on our face!
Some of Our New Favorites!
1. "Do you speak Japanese?" (As if I hadn't realized that people in
different countries speak different languages...)
2. "Do you like sushi?" (As if that's all Japanese people ever eat...)
So, in an effort to help people understand that all Japanese food is not sushi, here's a look at some of our favorite dishes we've eaten over here so far... Click on the names to go to the Wikipedia article on them:
Okinomiyaki - A "Japanese Omlettey-Pancake" made from eggs and cabbage, usually with some pork and seafood mixed in... Grilled and topped with a sweet semi-barbecue-y soy-y type-y sauce... Okinomiyaki restaurants usually have griddles built into the table and they serve it on your table sizzlin'! Yum!
Takoyaki - Are fried (yaki) balls (mant...) of batter, diced octopus (tako), and spices... A very similar sauce to okinomiyaki is put on them... They are usually fairly cheap (10 for $2.50)... Many many sidewalk shops sell them fresh while they cook them on the sidewalk or in the front window of the shop... Yum!
Yakisoba - Basically very similar to the Lo Mein noodles you get at a Chinese restaurant... Usually has bits of pork, octopus, and cabbage in them...
Beef Bowl - A bowl of rice with thinly sliced beef (or pork) and onions on top... Then a sweet soy sauce is drizzled over it... Served ridiculously fast when you order... I'm talking they take your order, they walk back to the kitchen and walk back with your bowl... Awesome... And most beef bowl places are open 24 hours, and a beef bowl is $2.50... And usually comes with...
Miso Soup - A broth-y semi-salty soup made from soy bean paste and various things... s'Good...
Curry and Rice - Just as it sounds, you get a plate that has some rice on one side, and curry on the other... We make rice in our rice cooker, then heat a curry packet in boiling water... Dinner in minutes! We like beef curry the best...
Nigiri-Sushi - Yes, we have eaten sushi... Yes, it is very good... Yes, it is raw fish... Usually I think people think all sushi is the rolled type of sushi... But actually, Nigiri-Sushi is more popular... It's basically a block of sticky rice with a slice of raw fish on top... s'Good... My favorite is salmon or tuna... Good stuff!
So those are some of our new favorites... Obviously there is so much more... I mean even a loaf of bread is different here!
Taco Night!
So what do we do for a nice dinner on our Sunday night?
We make some tacos.
Realize that taco seasoning (that (in America) usually costs 59 cents) costs (in Japan) $2.20...
That should give you a point of reference of how expensive it is to make tacos...
Also realize that Japanese cheese is non-existent... So all cheese is imported...
Thus you can see why a taco night is a big deal here... And worthy of a weekend night dinner and about an hours worth of bicycling, shopping, and walking...
We made the tacos... They tasted good...
Only thing missing... Sour cream...
So on our wish list (for now) is Mexican food...
It was fun, lots of stuff in Kobe... Shops, restaurants, historical stuff... Here's a pic we took of the famous harbor:

We even stopped at Baskin Robbins.... I had a brownie sundae... Although the brownies were more like chocolatey sponge cakes, the ice cream (Rocky Road) was exactly the same as in America... Yum!
We ate at an Indian restaurant, Shiva.... Emma and I split a "Set" of food... Chicken Tikka, Tandoori Chicken, Curry, Naan, Meat and Cheese Kebab... Good stuff!
The mint chutney was suuuuuuuper good!
Then we came home and sat.... and didn't walk for the rest of the night...
I Saw a Young Japanese Child Vomit Today...
It seemed to be mostly water...
I think he ran up the escalator too fast...
Not sure why this is blog-worthy...
We Have the Internet...
Sorry, a little Rush reference there... I cannot resist...
So we got out Yahoo!BB modem by courier today! Hooray! That means we now have our phone up and running, and we have wireless internet at our apartment! Sweet!
So check our website's Contact Us page for info on when to call us! (Basically we're 14 hours AHEAD)
Internet is Almost Here!
We're going with Yahoo! Broadband, and we've already got the phone line hooked up. We're waiting for the modem to be delievered and for the guy who sits in a room with switches to flip a switch...
Once we get it hooked up, you can call us at my cell phone number I used to have in the states... Same one! And it will cost the exact same as if I was there in the states! Bonus!
Who will we call first???? Who!?!?!
You should all be sitting by your phone from now until Saturday waiting for us to call....
And remember, we're 14 hours IN THE FUTURE!
A request...
There's 372940 pounds of macaroni over here, but no cheese... NO CHEESE!!! Not even cheap stuff or weird Japanese mac and cheese....
So all we'd need is the cheese packets... You can have the macaroni, we got that covered...
If you do want to send some, our address is on our website.... willardsinjapan.com
And if you do send some, please put a comment on this blog post so 10 people don't all send some... I like cheese, but only so much....
New Guitar Notes
I put a set of Elixirs on it right when I got it... The strings that were on it were pretty old and were kinda grungy so I figured I get it set up properly... I also sanded the bridge down a sliver to lower the action a bit... Gave it a good cleaning when the strings were off it as well...
I like the neck a lot better than my Fender, it's finish is a lot smoother, more matte, so my hand slides easier up and down... mant...
The action is about the same as my Fender.... And it has much better tuners on it... You can adjust the amount they turn when you tighten them, which is nice... The guitar is less than a year old, and it still has all the warranty stuff with it... And the stuff that came with it, like a polishing cloth, picks, alan wrench, still in their original bags, unopened!
Got a stand with it too...
Came with a soft gig bag too... has backpack straps on it!
It's been great so far, looking forward to playing with someone...
Not sure if I'll ship it home in a year... It's nice... I think it's about a $250 guitar in the states... I got it for 10000 yen, or about $87... Depends on how much it is to ship... Or if I can sneak it on the plane with me...
Whoo! Excited!
So look at them again...
I oft-times am witty and informative...
I Ate a Carrot Today...
Today was the first time I purposely ate a vegetable in Japan...
I've eaten vegtables before while here, but only in a curry or in noodles or something...
But last night Emma noted we hadn't eaten a lot of vegtables and/or fruits since we've been here... So today I had my mission laid out for me... Eat a vegetable...
I bought 3 carrots... Big 'uns... I came home, I chopped up one carrot, I steamed it over steaming hot boiling water (which, when boiling, produces steam), and then salted and buttered it...
Then, I ate that goddamned carrot...
Mission accomplished...
(Insert picture of me getting out of a helicopter that's painted like a carrot, then giving a speech about eating this carrot... Only this speech would be truthful...)
New Pictures!
Work's been going well, Joe and Tiff came, it cooled off a bit, Emma and I had "Kids Training", and I just got a guitar!
Short blog, but tons o' pics! Check them out!
We Now Have Cellular Telephone Devices!
We went with a company called SoftBank... Joe and Tiff use SoftBank, and it's free to text them all day and talk to them until 9 pm... And Emma and I can talk back and forth free... It's great...
How much does a cell phone plan cost a month you ask?
980 yen....
So basically about $8.50.... a month...
I got the 810P in case you wanted to know.....
I Have Officially Eaten the Grossest Thing in the History of the World
No contest...
I have eaten natto.
Natto is fermented (read: really really really horrifically smelly) soybeans...
They take some fermented soybeans (natto) and put them in a bowl... Then they crack a raw egg into them, whisk it all together, and ask if you want to take a bite...
You take a bite to be nice, but soon wish that you had been a jerk...
Sweating is a Way of Life
The temperatures here so far have been in the mid 70's to lower 80's, the humidity is about 765% all the time... Minnesota's got nothing on Japan when it comes to humidity... Just standing around outside at night not doing anything and sweating like I was running a marathon... Sweet lord...
Other than that we've had two full days of work now.... It's been going really well so far... Went to a farewell party last night for two NOVA teachers who we just met... Good time... Met two guys who play guitar, so I'm hoping that once I get the guitar I'm set on buying that we can jam out sometime... Would be fun.
Emma's B-day, First Days Off!
We went out for a beer after our final training last night with our Trainer, Tim. He's from Canada (Yes, he likes Rush... Yes, that was the first question I asked him when I found out he was from Canada... Yes, everyone who isn't Canadian or me greatly dislikes Rush) and unfortunately is leaving in couple weeks. He and his wife are going back to Canada for a bit, and then he is going to the UK to go back to school... Emma and I were disappointed because he's a really cool guy... He likes Rush, likes to drink, and says the F-word a lot... What's not to like?
It's Emma's birthday today... I made her breakfast (Eggs, toast, and some semi-bacon-y efficient Japanese ham), and tonight we're going out for sushi... We also got a video rental membership today and we rented a couple movies...
We also tried to get a cell phone today in Akashi.... an hour long process that resulted with us cell phone-less at the end of it.... We're going to hopefully get one tomorrow in Himeji (where we've been training) because they have a couple English speaking workers at the cell phone store there...
Anyhoo... We are enjoying our time so far, we start work on Saturday for reals-ees...
Open Apple Q
Last Day of OJT
Yesterday and today we've been working the late shift, which means we work from 1:20 - 9:00 pm... Then after a 30 minute train ride and 8 minute bike ride, it gets to be about 10 pm before we get home! That's alright for me as I am more of a night person anyways...
Last night we were watching TV (Japanese TV) for a bit, and it took us a while to realize, but there was a period of about 30 minutes where it was solid commercials... What's funny is that the commercials are actually more interesting (to me at least) because they are for things I might need and don't know what it looks like... Like last night there was an add for Febreeze, so that was actually helpful because I've been wanting to get some...
Today we are hopefully going to get signed up for a cellular telephone device... I guess texting is big here, as opposed to actually calling someone... That's 100000000% fine by me as I hate talking on telephones...
It'll also help because you need a phone number to sign up for just about anything here.... Internet included! Which we desperately want so very badly come on just for a little bit oh sweet Jesus H Christ on cracker do we want the Internet for the love....
No Earthquake
We first heard of the earthquake when we read people's emails about the earthquake! :P
Didn't feel anything, so it must have not been too bad or been close to us...
Wow... Here in Japan less than a week and already a Typhoon and an Earthquake!
1st day on the Job!
I wore a shirt and tie NOT to a wedding for the first time in years...
My impression of what my main concern is going to be is making sure I don't run out of activities with the students... 40 minutes can be a while if you only have one student in your room who doesn't really feel like talking to you... Especially in English!
Other'n that, we luckily found a GOLDMINE of stuff to buy from a couple of NOVA teachers who are moving back to Canada... The usual stuff, shelves, sofa, dressers, wok etc... but also... A Yamaha solid top acoustic guitar! Nice! For a hundred bucks! Nice! The cheapest I saw them elsewhere was $300-350...
Anyways, we have 2 more days of training, then two days off (Thurs/Fri) then we start for real on Saturday!
Joe and Tiff are coming next Wednesday night (the 25th), so that will be very awesome!
It might be a while before we have internet at our house, so phone is out of commission until then.... Also, I do not want to begin to try and figure out how to load my photos onto this computer (not only a PC, but a Japanese PC with everything written in Japanese) so it might be a while before upload some... But trust me, we are taking them! :) Sweet pics of our sweet bikes and everything...
Open Apple Q
Blogging From Japan! Number 1!
Emma and I are sitting side by side in a small cramped Internet booth... The keyboard I am typing on has about 2729 extra buttons and labels on those buttons... Also, the web page is in Japanese, so I am hitting buttons and links from memory... So if the blog entry doesn't have the same witty and ironic feel to it, it's because I\m trying my darnedest just to spell things correctly...
As far as work goes, here's what we've found out... We're both doing training and orientation in Himeji, which is about 20-30 minutes West of us (Akashi) by train... Then after that, Emma will be working in Kakogawa, which is about 10-15 minutes West by train...I am working in Akashi at the Akashi branch... It is about 100 yards from the train station, and about a 20 minute walk or 8-10 minute bike ride from our house...
There is a supermarket about 4 blocks north of our house where we can buy the goodies we need... Have been having curry (Basically beef stew with curry powder in it... 1 Packet costs 90 cents or so) and rice basically every night for supper (cooking the rice in our nice new rice cooker) granola and coffee for breakfast, and then having lunch somewhere out and about on the town...
So far we've eaten some yakisoba (noodles fried with vegetables and meat) and a small burger... The slice of tomato was bigger than the patty...
Got our alien card registrations, got our bank accounts opened (we got to the bank as the guy was closing the door, about 2:59, lucked out otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get a bank account until Tuesday on account of some holiday on Monday... "National Willard's are Moving to Japan Day" I suspect...), have been buying little stuff for our house... NEED FURNITURE... but every furniture shop has little shelves that cost 120 dollars... We need to find a goodwill-esque type place... if they exist...
Our mailbox had a lock on it and there was no key in the apartment... so.... Gerber to the rescue... Bent the metal, remove locked lock, bend metal back, put own lock on...
Our luggage came, that was a fun time... Like Christmas, only you wrapped the presents yourself...
It's been raining basically the entire time we've been in Japan... Got umbrellas... Keep them on us 24/7 when we're ever out of the apartment... Was a typhoon yesterday... basically a lot of rain and wind...
Other then that, just been biking around, exploring... Chilling... Wishing we had Internet so we could more easily email, surf the web, download TV shows...
Oh! and I saw a Yamaha acoustic guitar for only $250... might be my first big purchase after the first paycheck.... or sometime...
Oh! You all can now commence sending us mail... Large bills only please... or boxes of Mac and Cheese... Whichever...
One More Thing...
So order of business #1 will be buying a cheap guitar...
Well, more like order of business #17.... But still....
Night Before D-Day
Well... We're packed up... We're checked into our flight... We got out bags by the door... I've charged my DS Lite and Shuffle (Greatest In-Flight Entertainment Combo EVER!)... Emma's got 7293 books to read...
We're ready to go... Packing-wise at least...
We had our "Last Supper" tonight... Can you get more American than hamburgers and corn-on-the-cob? Well, possibly by oppressing someone while eating it, but I was just talking about the food part...
Things I am looking forward to (I think): Sticky rice, fresh salmon sushi, politeness, exploring, meeting new people (not that all of you aren't great...), the unknown...
Things I am nervous about: Language barrier, getting lost, understanding simple signs and charts, the unknown...
I know I won't be able to sleep at all tonight... Especially because I am in the habit of staying up until all hours of the night (as all good teachers do in summer...).
Anyways... It might be a bit before the next entry, and our phone is disconnected for probably even longer... Enjoy!
Open Apple- Q
Alice in Chains = Awesome
“It will make you a better person,” says Sherbie. In particular, check out “Dirt” and “Jar of Flies”, they are QUALITY!!!! My personal favorite is “Don’t Follow”.... Enjoy!
Packing our ShiiiiStuff
It's been a while since I've blogged! Wow! You've all been waiting on the edge of your seat!
In the past week and a half I've made 5 trips to New Prague with a van impregnated with the embryos of Emma's and my possessions... So that's been fun...
I've also handed Heidi off to The Doc (my dad).... Interesting side note to that story:

After taking so many loads to New Prague, I didn't have anything to use for a leash when I was transporting Heidi to my dad... So, like all great Jazz musicians, I improvised... Heidi loved it, as clearly depicted in the above photo...
So basically we've been packing and moving, that's about it... We're going to be out of our apartment by Saturday, and will then spend the last week before our departure to Japan in New Prague, living at Emma's parents' house... Daily appearances at Pizza Ranch buffet are quite possible...
Open Apple-Q
Vonnegut = Brilliant
Just got reading Slaughterhouse Five and I thoroughly enjoyed it.... I think I had read it earlier in life (in high school perhaps.... I can remember reading Breakfast of Champions). I read it basically in two sittings... One Saturday morning at Moid's house, and one Monday afternoon when I got back from Chicago...
What I love about Vonnegut is the way he mixes the absurd with the frighteningly real... In the case of Slaughterhouse Five, it's World War II mixed with alien abduction... Brilliant...
I also love the tone of irony that permeates from everything he writes... You might even say every word in his books are ironic...
Five is an anti-war book, and now, more than ever, we need anti-war books... Although the madness it describes is set in WWII, it is relevant to this day...
Check it out!
Come in For Din-Din!
Why? I get music from people who tell me it's good, and it takes a while for me to get around to listening to it...
But it makes for fun discoveries, such as my recent one, "Supper's Ready" by Genesis...
You might be thinking, "Alright, Phil Collins is cool... I guess...? Is it the B-side to 'I Can't Dance'?"
But no, Genesis was a band before 1986... Well before actually... And also, Peter Gabriel existed before "Sledgehammer"... And believe it or not, both of these things existed as ONE...
It's a fairly obvious fact, but there are those who are oblivious to it...
Anywayssssssss.... "Supper's Ready" is an epic song... Clocks in at just under 24 minutes. Yep. 24. I didn't mistype that...
You see, there are those who like multi-sectioned odd-measured instrumentally-charged pretentious Prog-Art-Nerd-Rock... Namely me... And "Supper's Ready" delights in all those facets...
It goes through a ton of musical changes, has cool solos, uses crazy odd time signatures, and generally has esoteric and nerdy lyrics...
I highly recommend you give it a listen...
Where Have the Drinking Fountains Gone?
As I went on my semi-usual after-school bike ride today (Yes, picture me skidding out on a BMX and making a ramp out of a brick and scrap plywood found in an alley, using it to jump over my Ninja Turtle action figures) I realized that I forgot my water bottle.
"No problem, if I get thirsty I'll stop at one of the many city parks I ride through and get a drink at what must surely be innumerable water fountains contained therein..." I thought to myself, drunk on confidence in the public drinking facilities of Minneapolis.
Oh oh OH was I in for a treat... None. Nada. Zero.
I literally do not *exit* a city park on my bike rides. I start in one, continue through one, and end in one... Where oh where are the drinking fountains?
Am I looking the wrong places? Yes? Maybe? I don't know... It seems like there should be drinking fountains, or at the very least a well-spigot-typey-thing, anytime a group of 2 or more picnic tables exist.
Is this a new thing? Is this a big city thing?
I can remember many many a day riding my bike around the Webster City greater metropolis, and having ample opportunities to drink water. There was a fountain at each of the city parks...
Is this a small town thing?
If it is, what about big cities creates an environment where drinking fountains cannot thrive?
V8 Fusion = Brilliant!
Yes, the same V-8 that does the "Shudda'hadda V-8" commercials...
Yes, the terrible tasting tomato-with-splash-of-carrot juice...
But! They finally got it right... I think they realized something about most people, and that is people do not like the taste of tomato and carrot juice. This seems like a fairly easy conclusion to come to, but alas, it's taken the V-8 people (The Campbell's people?) a while to realize that... Emails must have circulated many a day at the Campbell's corporate offices with Re:re:re:RE: Tomato Juice Gross?? in the subject line...
Until my recent discovery, I passed the V-8 shelf at the grocery store without a second thought, much like all of us who aren't either a) Making Bloody Marys all the time, or b) 80 years old... Having worked at a grocery store for many of my formative years, I can honestly say the large cans of V-8 on the shelf went untouched many a day...
But to my surprise, and to my delight, the V-8 Fusion is delicious! What is even more amazing is that it not only contains fruit juice, but vegetable juice as well...
And here's the best part, a single glass has a serving of fruit and vegetables in it...
What's that? I can drink delicious, fruity tasting vegetables? Why yes, yes I think I will do that...
Why? Because if a tomato can taste like an orange it should.
Good stuff...
The Power of Forums
Forums are where a wealth of information on the Internet is. You can ask a question (of course searching the forums beforehand to see if someone asked the same question already) and have answers from people who have actual real world experience.
Obviously you are going to get a lot of crappy forums, and even within a good forum you are going to get a lot of crappy posts and topics (Witness the ridiculous arguments that insue after any Mac announcement on any Mac forum), but after weeding through the bad, you will be left with a large amount of priceless information.
Forums contain a lot of information that isn't available anywhere else...
Example: My wife's factory car stereo broke. When replacing it with a junkyard stereo, the new factory stereo thought it was stolen, so it wouldn't play CD's. (A feature known as Theftlock) Now, we could have obviously taken it to a dealer, and had them reset the stereo. But at what cost? And at what loss of precious time?
Enter the Google search. This led her brother and I to a forum. In the forum a consumer asked the same question we had, "How do I reset the stereo?" In the forum was a response from a forum member who had firsthand knowledge. He layed out step by step instructions, and it was a few minutes later that we had an unlocked, working stereo.
Could such knowledge be used by theives? Quite possibly... (Although a thief stealing factory stereos is missing the point of being a thief...) But any knowledge could be used as such...
Forums contain a ton of valuable knowledge.
Cell Phones are Ruining Our Lives: Part 2
People will use their cell phones to capture photos at terrible quality, or, heaven forbid, video at Holocaustic quality...
But again, they think it's great... In fact, they cannot wait to show it off to you! Or post it on YouTube!
"Hey, check it out!" they say as they show you the screen of their cell phone, showing the image of what appears to be a pixelated Little Goomba covered in digital vomit...
Or worse yet, a video of slightly animated digital vomit with aforementioned bat-sex audio...
Obviously there are constraints on the quality of the video and audio in such small device, and no one wants to pay hundreds of dollars for a cell phone just so they can have a 6 megapixel camera inside it, but I think the troubling thing is that many people see the terrible quality as acceptable...
What are you going to do with these pictures and video? Nothing... You look at them a couple times, show them to your friends, then dispose of them. And I think the disposableness is the real problem...
If people only document their memories with the disposable media, then their memories become disposable...
I'm certainly not positing that HD video and/or 29 mexapixel cameras are the only true way to capture your life, nor am I saying that people have to carry a stand-alone camera with them at all times.
The idea is that people shouldn't allow their cell phones to dictate what they document or don't document... The decision shouldn't be made by the device, but rather by the person...
Open Apple Q
Cell Phones are Ruining Our Lives: Part 1
Sure, there is something about an obnoxiously loud cell phone enthusiast lip-smackering their inane conversation about who did or did not "Say shit to them" into the quiet solitude of a post office line that can make one loathe the entirety of the human race, that's a given...
I'm talking about the ruining of our lives in two respects: Music and Photos.
Cell Phones are ruining music. Not the music itself; that is being ruined by near-sighted record executives and Nickelback...
I'm talking about the actual sound quality of music... Or of, at least, the music that people are consuming more and more through and by cell phones...
I'm no Audiophile, and I am not railing against the mp3 format, in fact I greatly enjoy the format... What I'm focusing on is the way that people enjoy it...
I see tons of teenagers and college students using their cell phone's mp3 playing capabilities to listen to a majority of their music. Many times they buy the songs over the cell phone network or just like to listen to their ring tones over and over...
Have you ever heard music played through a cell phone or bought on a cell phone?
It literally sounds like what I imagine two bats having sex on top of a pile of continuously crumpling paper would sound like... Which, to my ears, is an unpleasant sound.
But here's the terrifying part... The purchasers greatly enjoy it.
They gladly shell out $2.99 for a horribly compressed song on their cell phones, and listen to it repeatedly as if that is what the song should sound like.
Hmm... More on this later
Is it going to be all Rush?
Now 3/4ths!
Does that mean it's going to be all about Rush?
In fact, I was thinking about a very non-Rush topic today. I was sitting and I was thinking. The thinking had nothing to do with Rush. And now that I think of it, the sitting didn't have anything to do with Rush either. I was sitting because I didn't want to stand.
Aversion to standing has nothing to do with Rush.
Anyways, a friend sent me a link to a recent Nightline debate about the existence of God. On one side were two "Street Evangelists" one of whom was Kirk Cameron, who screams credibility as he was on a show with a character named Boner.
On the other side were two "Internet Atheists" which consisted of a loafy guy and a lady with a huge rack who have an Internetty-type site where people can post videos of themselves denouncing the Holy Spirit and doing other blasphemous-ily delicious things.
We were promised scientific proof of God's existence from the Street Evangelist side, but sadly we got a preachy re-make of a Cicero proof from 100 B.C.E.
We were promised rebuttal of said scientific proof from the Internet Atheist side, but we got a loafy guy and a lady with a huge rack.
In the end, no one was closer or farther to a scientific explanation of the existence of God. We basically got a debate over the definition of science.
Science is neither Kirk Cameron or huge racks... Although it does help explain one of them...
Open Apple Q