
Cell Phones are Ruining Our Lives: Part 2

So besides low quality music, the glut of cell phones in the world are also inundating us with other low quality media, namely photos and video...

People will use their cell phones to capture photos at terrible quality, or, heaven forbid, video at Holocaustic quality...

But again, they think it's great... In fact, they cannot wait to show it off to you! Or post it on YouTube!

"Hey, check it out!" they say as they show you the screen of their cell phone, showing the image of what appears to be a pixelated Little Goomba covered in digital vomit...

Or worse yet, a video of slightly animated digital vomit with aforementioned bat-sex audio...


Obviously there are constraints on the quality of the video and audio in such small device, and no one wants to pay hundreds of dollars for a cell phone just so they can have a 6 megapixel camera inside it, but I think the troubling thing is that many people see the terrible quality as acceptable...

What are you going to do with these pictures and video? Nothing... You look at them a couple times, show them to your friends, then dispose of them. And I think the disposableness is the real problem...

If people only document their memories with the disposable media, then their memories become disposable...

I'm certainly not positing that HD video and/or 29 mexapixel cameras are the only true way to capture your life, nor am I saying that people have to carry a stand-alone camera with them at all times.

The idea is that people shouldn't allow their cell phones to dictate what they document or don't document... The decision shouldn't be made by the device, but rather by the person...

Open Apple Q


Moid said...

Ok I think cell phone are just a normal part of the technological evolution. Think back to when there was only one phone in every town and the changes that came with every household having a cell phone.

I also disagree about your deleting memories comment. Its better than not having memory at all. How many times do you go back and look at pictures of when you were 4? none? The good ones we keep.

Anyway I just wanted to leave an obnoxious comment..

Willard Facts said...

Everything you said is wrong...