
Red Sector A

*is* a good Rush song... Not one of my flavo-rites, but good nonetheless... A highlight is the solo section, with its whammy-barred harmonics and sparse drum smackery...

The best part of the song, however, is the lyrics, which, because of their close relation to the Holocaust, give me, a teacher, an English teacher at that, license to use it in the classroom, my classroom, as supplemental, extraneous even, material no less, or more, when teaching the book Night, a Holocaust memoir, to my 10th graders.

We read the lyrics and listen to the song... Watch it actually... I use the Rush in Rio DVD version, as I prefer the more "up-to-date" sounding version of the song. Plus the students laugh too much at Geddy's hair in the Grace Under Pressure video and the point is lost...

Rule #1 about studying the Holocaust:

Never laugh about 80's hair when you're supposed to be studying the Holocaust.

That is all

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