
Willard in Chains

My latest recording tackles a classic (so I've heard) Georgia Satellites song "Battleship Chains"...

I became aware of the song while listening to (Warren Zevon + R.E.M. - Michael Stipe) = Hindu Love God's version of it...

So I took a stab at it, and it's somewhere between the two versions... In style at least, in quality it's obviously much, much lower...

That's me on bass, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, vocals, and harmony vocals... Garageband is on the drums... Sorry, I didn't go to Sherbie's to record a drum part.

My first stab at harmony vocals, so laugh it up!

Also, try not to snicker at my terrible guitar solos... I thought the song would be easy because of the easy chord progression, but the simplicity proved to be more difficult than anticipated...

Enjoy it on the player to your right!

1 comment:

Bones said...

Rock on Dude!No laughing here. Well done!