
I Ate a Carrot Today...

That's the news...

Today was the first time I purposely ate a vegetable in Japan...

I've eaten vegtables before while here, but only in a curry or in noodles or something...

But last night Emma noted we hadn't eaten a lot of vegtables and/or fruits since we've been here... So today I had my mission laid out for me... Eat a vegetable...

I bought 3 carrots... Big 'uns... I came home, I chopped up one carrot, I steamed it over steaming hot boiling water (which, when boiling, produces steam), and then salted and buttered it...

Then, I ate that goddamned carrot...

Mission accomplished

(Insert picture of me getting out of a helicopter that's painted like a carrot, then giving a speech about eating this carrot... Only this speech would be truthful...)

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