
Someone is a Movie Star!

And that someone is Emma!

Check her out on the NOVA website! She is kicking the ass of the idea that buying groceries in Japan is difficult!

Check out the movie!



Anonymous said...

I don't know what I loved more today - the pictures of the cinnamon rolls (which were perfect) or Emma's movie. I am looking forward to autographs when you two come home! Thanks for the updates - I share them with Mark. One of these days I will get him to look at your terrific web site. Take care - we miss you!

Willard Facts said...

Thanks for the kind words! Emma was super excited to be in the video... :)

Anonymous said...

So besides being a movie star what else is Emma doing in Japan for a job?

I really think this is worthy of Emma sending info about her new found stardom to the Falcon Alumni Magizine for UWRF...jjiiijjjiii