
Is it going to be all Rush?

2/3rds of all my blog entries have been about Rush...

Now 3/4ths!

Does that mean it's going to be all about Rush?


In fact, I was thinking about a very non-Rush topic today. I was sitting and I was thinking. The thinking had nothing to do with Rush. And now that I think of it, the sitting didn't have anything to do with Rush either. I was sitting because I didn't want to stand.

Aversion to standing has nothing to do with Rush.

Anyways, a friend sent me a link to a recent Nightline debate about the existence of God. On one side were two "Street Evangelists" one of whom was Kirk Cameron, who screams credibility as he was on a show with a character named Boner.

On the other side were two "Internet Atheists" which consisted of a loafy guy and a lady with a huge rack who have an Internetty-type site where people can post videos of themselves denouncing the Holy Spirit and doing other blasphemous-ily delicious things.

We were promised scientific proof of God's existence from the Street Evangelist side, but sadly we got a preachy re-make of a Cicero proof from 100 B.C.E.

We were promised rebuttal of said scientific proof from the Internet Atheist side, but we got a loafy guy and a lady with a huge rack.

In the end, no one was closer or farther to a scientific explanation of the existence of God. We basically got a debate over the definition of science.


Science is neither Kirk Cameron or huge racks... Although it does help explain one of them...

Open Apple Q

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